“Breaking Up” Breaking Up With Our Girlfriend… From Brutal Assault to Kidnapping

“Breaking Up” Breaking Up With Our Girlfriend… From Brutal Assault to Kidnapping

October 20, 2024

Police make emergency arrest 'We had only been dating for a short time'

A man in his thirties has been arrested by police on suspicion of kidnapping his girlfriend with a car after attacking her while she was telling him about a breakup.

Screenshot of channel A

Songpa Police Station in Seoul announced on the 20th that it is investigating the emergency arrest of Mr. A, a man in his 30s, for kidnapping and special injury on the 16th.

Mr. A is accused of beating his girlfriend Mr. B with a blunt object and kidnapping her on the 15th when she asked to break up. Mr. A fled to Osan, Gyeonggi-do, but it was found that Mr. B took the opportunity to escape from a sleepy highway rest area and said, "I'm going to the bathroom." and reported MA

The next day, on the 16th, Mr. A was urgently arrested by the police after he returned home. Subsequently, the court issued an arrest warrant for Mr. A on the 18th.

A police official said: "We had just started dating" and is considering finding out details of the incident.

Reporter Kim Kyung-ho stillcut@segye.com

[ⓒ세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재및재배포금지]

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