cancers: one in two cases could be avoided

Cancers: one in two cases could be avoided

January 4, 2025

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Cancers are caused by many factors. While there is little that can be done about the aging of the population, half of them could be prevented.

This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir ndeg220 dated January/March 2025.

Between surgery, targeted treatments, radiotherapy or immunotherapies – which strengthen or reactivate the immune system – the anti-cancer arsenal has been greatly strengthened in a few decades. And it shows. For twenty-five years, mortality from cancer has been constantly decreasing, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca). But if we look at the number of cases, the trend is upward: between 1990 and 2023, it has doubled. It is time to tackle prevention.

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