cirrhosis: bariatric surgery influences its evolution

Cirrhosis: bariatric surgery influences its development

January 27, 2025

By Marie Parra THE Subscribers

Fatty liver disease (MASH) can develop into cirrhosis: the still healthy liver cells malfunction and are then destroyed. Treatments are very limited for these pathologies. An American study reveals the benefits of bariatric surgery to avoid the complications of cirrhosis linked to MASH.

FibroScan examination

FibroScan measures the elasticity of the liver. It is used in the diagnosis of MASH and cirrhosis in particular.

NEIGHBORPHaniePhanie via AFP

In France, it is estimated that 8 million people have a fatty liver. And among them, 12%, or around 900,000 people, suffer from non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis or MASH (formerly NASH). The causes are poor diet and a lack of physical activity, which can eventually degenerate into cirrhosis – even if the patient does not drink alcohol – or even cancer. From cirrhosis, different symptoms can appear: fluid leakage into the abdomen (ascites), disorientation, loss of control of the sphincters, inability to express oneself, etc.

A study from the Cleveland Clinic (USA) shows that bariatric surgery, which involves inducing significant weight loss, has significantly reduced the risk of developing serious complications for patients suffering from obesity and cirrhosis linked to NASH.Bariatric surgery was associated with a 72 % lower risk of developing serious complications of this liver disease,” says Dr. Ali Aminian, the study's first author. The results were published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Fatty liver disease (NASH) Fatty liver disease (FLD) Cirrhosis Liver
