You can walk, you like to sing and you know how to count to 50? Then don't hesitate, you too can take up the challenge launched in the run-up to the Olympic Games by the Heart and Research Foundation, just labeled Great National Cause 2024. As the event poster states, “ climb the stairs will not get you to the podium. But… can save your life“.
A reduction in the risks of 20%
From 1Er July to September 29, 2024, the idea is to climb at least 50 steps per day, at your own pace, singing your favorite tune or not. A small but very effective gesture which consists of choosing the stairs rather than the elevator or the escalator, everywhere, at work, at home or on vacation.
Unbelievable American study The study published in September 2023 showed that this activity reduced the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 20%.Enjoying the steps will not only improve your physical condition, especially your breathing, but also the good health of your heart. One condition: adopt this choice daily at least until next September and then keep it indefinitely and forget about the existence of elevators.
Credit: Heart and Research Foundation (JC DECAUX poster)
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“The heart at the center of our health”
Obviously, throughout the challenge, you will be able to share your photos and videos on social networks with the hashtags #MontezPourVotreCoeur #fondationcoeuretrecherche and #50marchesenchantant. Don't forget to encourage your family, friends and colleagues by tagging them so that they can take up the challenge in turn and then compare your feelings!
For the record, cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main causes of mortality in Europe and particularly in France where they are responsible for 400 deaths per day. "I support this challenge launched by the Heart and Research Foundation and encourage the French to participate, specifies in the press release Professor Francois Carre, member of the foundation and president of the collective “For a France in shape”. It is essential to put the heart back at the center of our health and to become aware of the importance of taking care of it. So all you have to do is find a staircase.