More than 3,000 cases of dengue fever have been imported into mainland France since the start of the year, a record, but the curve has been declining for several weeks, Public Health France announced on August 9, 2024.
"Record years"
“ On a French scale and especially on a global scale, the years 2023 and 2024 were record years for the number of dengue cases.", underlined Marie-Claire Paty, coordinator of vector-borne disease surveillance within the infectious diseases department of SpF. Between May 1, which marks the start of the reinforced surveillance period, and August 6, SpF recorded nearly 1,000 imported cases of dengue fever in mainland France. However, " the curve of these imported cases has been decreasing for several weeks, in parallel with the epidemics which are marking time in the Antilles and in Latin America", qualified Ms. Paty during a press briefing.
Transmissions not related to the Olympic Games
Regarding indigenous cases, namely a person contaminated by the tiger mosquito without having recently traveled to an area where the virus is circulating, SpF reports " small transmission episodes" , " not related to the Olympic Games". Thus, an indigenous case of dengue fever was detected in Montpellier, two other cases in La Colle-sur-Loup (Alpes-Maritimes) as well as three cases in Occitanie.
An indigenous case of chikungunya, the first of the year in France, was recorded in the Paris region in July. To the extent that " the risk is greater in August and September" , " It is likely that we will have other outbreaks in the coming weeks. » for these two abroviruses, warned Ms. Paty.
Read alsoDengue, Zika, chikungunya: towards an increase in cases in France
Regarding the West Nile virus, SpF has identified " three cases of infection west of Toulon » and very recently « a first human case in Guadeloupe“.