
Integration of disabled people: “unacceptable cuts” in the draft budget, according to associations

October 14, 2024

Several associations denounced on Monday "an unacceptable cut" of "more than 20%" in the resources of the Association for the management of the fund for the professional integration of disabled people (Agefiph) provided for in the draft finance law (PLF) for 2025.

For next year, Agefiph sees its budget "capped at 457 million euros, well below its current budget" while needs are increasing and forecasts for the contribution's return are estimated to be above this amount, "between 555 and 575 million", according to the member associations of the Agefiph Board of Directors.

Companies employing fewer than 6% disabled people are required to pay a contribution to Urssaf.

Such a cut "would have serious and immediate consequences", according to the associations, particularly on support, training and hiring assistance.

The signatory associations – APF France handicap, Unafam, Unanimes, Unapei, the Association des accidents de la vie and the CFPSAA – point out that Agefiph “is nearly 200,000 aids and services offered to people with disabilities”.

Several amendments have already been tabled in the National Assembly by Macronist (EPR) and communist deputies requesting that Agefiph's resources be maintained at their current level or that the cap on the tax allocated to this organization be removed.
