doliprane: health minister wants “guarantees” on supply

Doliprane: Health Minister wants “guarantees” on supply

October 16, 2024

Health Minister Genevieve Darrieussecq called on Wednesday for guarantees of "production in France", "normal supply" in pharmacies and "sufficient stocks" of the drug Doliprane, which Sanofi should soon sell to an American investment fund.

"I want three guarantees. First, the guarantee that Doliprane is produced in France. The guarantee of normal supply to pharmacies for access for our fellow citizens. And the guarantee that stocks will be sufficient, since we are asking manufacturers to build up stocks, in order to avoid stock shortages in periods that are critical periods," she listed on France Inter.

The French pharmaceutical group announced Friday that it had chosen the American investment fund CD&R to potentially cede control of its consumer health entity Opella, which markets Doliprane. This possible sale raises strong concerns among the public and the political class for issues of health sovereignty and jobs.

For her part, the general secretary of the CFDT, Marylise Leon, considered that "this operation must not be carried out". "We cannot ask a group to make commitments once the decision has been made, it does not work, it never works. If the conditions are not set upstream, it does not work", she insisted.

"Minister Antoine Armand mentioned the fact that he was going to ask for a report on the aid that was given to Sanofi (...). This is essential to inform the discussion and the political decision," added Ms. Leon, emphasizing that "today, we are on a financial calculation of the Sanofi group."

The government on Tuesday requested an "exhaustive review" of the public aid that the pharmaceutical group Sanofi has received over the past ten years.
