
End of life: Braun-Pivet “disappointed” by Barnier, does not want “procrastination”

October 2, 2024

The President of the National Assembly, Yael Braun-Pivet, said on Wednesday that she was "disappointed" by Prime Minister Michel Barnier's proposal to resume "dialogue" on the end of life only at the beginning of 2025, calling for the examination of the text by deputies to resume as soon as possible.

"I will not be satisfied with procrastination on this matter," she warned before the Association of Parliamentary Journalists, affirming that on this subject "the debate must take place in the National Assembly, nowhere else."

In his general policy speech on Tuesday, Mr Barnier indicated his intention to "resume dialogue (...) at the beginning of next year" on the bill, the examination of which had been interrupted by the dissolution at the beginning of June, also involving "the Senate, healthcare workers and associations".

"I was disappointed," reacted Mrs Braun-Pivet, "because I know that it is a text that is awaited by the French and that the Assembly is ready to discuss it."

"It is not a question of reopening a dialogue at the beginning of 2025, we must resume the examination of the text where we left off," she insisted.

Hoping that the timetable be defined "in good understanding with the government", the President of the Assembly nevertheless said she was "ready to include" the text on the agenda for the week of December 2 "if we have no prospect of an agenda".

An impatience dictated by the length of the procedure, which requires at least two readings in the Assembly and the Senate before a possible final vote. "Let's be realistic, if we want to take the time, that is to say 18 months to two years (...) it is now that we must go for it", stressed Mrs. Braun-Pivet, judging that "there is no question of waiting much longer because otherwise it would be a first-class burial".
