
Health: factors that can trigger diseases

January 5, 2025

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Most often, the disease does not result from a single cause, but from a combination of several factors. Viruses, bacteria, lifestyle, addictions… but above all genetic predispositions are the breeding ground for pathologies.

Genethon in Evry

Genes involved in many pathologies continue to be discovered. At the same time, gene therapy treatments are also being developed, such as here, at the Genethon laboratory in Evry.


This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir ndeg220 dated January/March 2025.

Herpes encephalitis is a rare and severe disease, "a very rare complication of infection with the virus Herpes Simplex HSV-1, usually harmless, which affects 80% of the population », says Laurent Abel, co-director of the Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases laboratory at the Imagine Institute in Paris. This HSV-1 virus, which billions of humans often carry without knowing it, causes a fatal disease in a few individuals… Why?

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