Improved approach to safety systems reduces road accidents in Botswana

Improved approach to safety systems reduces road accidents in Botswana

February 14, 2025

New roadworks now incorporates improved pedestrian walkways and cycling lanes to improve safety

Botswana loses an average of 400 people per year to road traffic injuries. However, the trend has been decreasing since the strengthening and improved implementation of the Safe Systems approach over the last 3 years. New road works now incorporate improved pedestrian and cycle paths to improve safety and promote active mobility. The improvements allow people to walk or run safely away from traffic, which also helps prevent obesity and non-communicable diseases. They also strengthen traditional pedestrian crossings, traffic calming measures and signage. These improvements aim to reduce injuries and deaths among pedestrians and cyclists, in addition to reducing traffic flow problems.

This comprehensive, holistic and multi-sectoral approach was introduced and continues to be supported and monitored by WHO. It ensures that road infrastructure, vehicles and road users are safe and that governance, regulation and financing are conducive to road safety. Actions in this regard are co-chaired and implemented by key stakeholders designated by the statutory National Road Safety Committee and are based on the 5 pillars of the Global Road Safety Strategy. An encouraging trend has emerged with overall reductions since 2022. There were 16,404 accidents resulting in 2,724 minor injuries, 798 serious injuries and 404 deaths compared to 14,037 accidents, 1,487 minor injuries and 852 serious injuries and 396 deaths in 2023. In 2024, there were 14,372 accidents, 1,605 minor injuries, 828 serious injuries and 342 deaths.

Botswana’s experience demonstrates that a sustained, comprehensive, coordinated, safety-focused and evidence-based multi-sectoral approach to road safety can produce positive results. However, leadership of multi-sectoral efforts by the Ministry of Transport has not always been adequate.

New roadworks now incorporates improved pedestrian walkways and cycling lanes to improve safety

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