The seasonal flu vaccination will kick off this Tuesday, possibly combined with a booster against Covid: the health authorities hope to create the reflex of this double vaccination, especially for people at risk.
One of the major challenges is to "anchor the double flu-Covid vaccination" as "double protection for priority groups", summarized Sarah Sauneron, Deputy Director General of Health, during a press conference on Monday.
Doctors, nurses, midwives and pharmacists can administer both injections, which can be given in a row, but are not compulsory.
More than 17.2 million French people are particularly invited to get vaccinated against these two viral diseases which can, in some cases, have fatal consequences. The categories targeted as a priority are at risk of developing serious forms: those over 65, nursing home residents, people of all ages suffering from certain chronic diseases or severe obesity, pregnant women.
Vaccination is also recommended for caregivers and those around vulnerable people (seniors, infants, etc.).
While the seasonal return of the flu is well known, Covid-19, which causes several epidemic waves each year, has added a health risk to the autumn-winter seasons, when other respiratory viruses also circulate, such as the one that causes bronchiolitis.
Vaccination against influenza and Covid aims to "protect the most vulnerable, because it helps reduce serious forms and hospitalizations", but also to "reduce the pressure on a heavily strained health system", stressed the representative of the Ministry of Health.
Another stated objective: to increase the level of flu vaccination among seniors and caregivers, which is in decline.
"Vaccination coverage among those over 65 has decreased" compared to the previous season, warned the Director General of Public Health France Caroline Semaille, judging that "this is alarming because the patients hospitalized and in intensive care are those over 65."