Lim Jong-seok, daily direct attack on Lee Jae-myung, "We must accept that candidate Lee was deficient in the last presidential election"

Lim Jong-seok, daily direct attack on Lee Jae-myung, "We must accept that candidate Lee was deficient in the last presidential election"

February 3, 2025

"Only by reflecting will we see the path to victory"

Former President Lim Jong-seok's chief of staff said on the 3rd: "Only by fully accepting that the (Democratic Party of Korea) candidate "It was because Lee Jae-myung was inadequate and the party lacked strategy in the last presidential election that we will see the path to victory." "We must start now with an objective assessment and reflection on the last presidential election," he said.

Former chief of staff to President Lim Jong-seok. Director of Newsis

Lim said on Facebook that day: "The Democratic Party has not made an official assessment of the presidential election. "I failed to do exactly that," he said. "(After the presidential election) two months later, candidate Lee Jae-myung ran for office in Gyeyang, Incheon, and two months later he became the party leader."

He continued: "The political responsibility for the defeat has been shifted to the Moon Jae-in administration, and (the Democratic Party) continues to blame the Moon Jae-in administration." He added: "Former President Moon Jae-in "At the end of his term, his approval rating exceeded 40%, and he is the only president in history who does not have a lame duck." He added: "We turned a blind eye to the fact that it was the government that was to blame."

He then argued that it had to be accepted that this candidate had flaws.

Former Chief of Staff Lim said: "Looking back at the last presidential election, the opponent (People's Power Party) nominated a young representative in his 30s, recruited a presidential candidate from outside, and made every effort to unify the last election. minute," and asked: "Were we that desperate?" he asked.

Ahead of the 20th presidential election, the People Power Party elected Lee Jun-seok, a non-member politician in his 30s, as the party leader in 2021, and recruited Yoon Seok-yeol, an outsider, and in the final During the various stages of the election, a confrontation took place between Yoon and Ahn Cheol-soo, then a candidate of the People's Party. This refers to the process that led to unification.

Former Chief of Staff Lim said, "Were we that desperate?" and "We lost by 0.75 % (points) of 247,077 votes (in total votes), and in Seoul alone, we lost by 317,666 votes." "Can the Democratic Party win the national election even if it loses in Seoul?" he said.

He then asked, "Candidates Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, and Moon Jae-in all won a landslide victory in Chungcheong," and "Why did candidate Lee Jae-myung lose in Chungcheong? Did we also actively seek results? Unification and solidarity? Was there any commitment such as moving the administrative capital?"

He stressed: "You have to think to find the answer."

Former Chief of Staff Lim said: "A common problem among advocates of progress is the blind belief that the difference between good and bad will be reflected in the results, or the unrealistic perception that the difference in results should be great." He added: "Good and bad, different. "In a world where everything is mixed, the reality is that if the other person does their best, the results can be similar, and if our weaknesses are highlighted, the results can be "reversed," he said.

He continued, “The Democratic Party must be chosen by the people to complete the trial of Yoon Seok-yeol,” and added, “I hope we will be more desperate this time.”

Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea.

This is interpreted as a message that the current Democratic Party, which is a one-man system led by Lee Jae-myung, should change its constitution and embrace the "non-Lee Jae-myung faction." It can also be interpreted as the movement toward the presidency of a sleeping dragon from the shadow faction who has been "criticizing Lee Jae-myung" incessantly recently.

Former Chief of Staff Lim said on the 21st of last month: "Is Lee Jae-myung's Democratic Party okay?" "The Democratic Party, which treats dialogue and compromise lightly and is only interested in one representative, has stifled democracy within the party. Can it really win the people's trust?" he said, opening the floodgates to fury.

On the 24th of last month, "Rep. Lee cannot do everything well by himself. He said, 'It is difficult to win the presidential election with only the pro-Myung (pro-Lee Jae-myung) color.'"

Former South Gyeongsang Province Governor Kim Kyung-soo also said on the 29th of last month, "Many people have left or distanced themselves from the party due to the humiliation they felt in the local and general elections held after the 2022 presidential election. . (The representative) should sincerely apologize to them and ensure that they are willing to return," he demanded.

Reporter Lee Hyun-mi

[ⓒ세계일보 &, 무단전재및재배포금지]

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