
Medical Advances: “We are living in a period of dizzying transformation”

December 21, 2024

Science and Future Health


JEAN-PIERRE THIERRY – Public health doctor, medical advisor to France Assos Sante

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Medical advances are enough to inspire optimism, says physician Jean-Pierre Thierry. But this excitement must be accompanied by a reform of public health, at the risk of creating more social tensions. And give prevention its rightful place.

Jean-Pierre Thierry

Jean-Pierre Thierry


This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir ndeg220 dated January/March 2025.

A physician specializing in public health and health informatics, Jean-Pierre Thierry is an expert in the evaluation of medical technologies and the organization of healthcare systems. He sat on the Transparency Commission of the High Authority for Health (HAS), the body responsible for evaluating new drugs. He is currently a medical advisor to France Assos Sante, an organization representing and defending patients and users of the healthcare system.

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