
No Tobacco Month: “There is no magic recipe, everyone finds what works for them”

October 29, 2024

In 2023, at least 160,000 people took on the challenge of quitting smoking for a full month. And this year, nearly 90,000 smokers have already signed up for the 9E edition of No Tobacco Month organized every year in France in November since 2016.

The device, imported from England, seems to be proving its worth. "According to an effectiveness study, 6 to 10% of people who tried to quit smoking during No Tobacco Month were still non-smokers one year later, explains to Science and Future, Justine Avenel, project manager at the Public Health France agency. In classical literature, this rate is between 3 and 5%. »

“Everyone finds what suits them”

The advantage is twofold. The smoker is not alone in trying to quit since he is accompanied by thousands of other people who are also taking part in the challenge. And if he holds out for the whole month, it is long enough to give him a good chance of not starting smoking again later. Indeed, according to Santé Publique France, " Quitting smoking for 30 days increases your chances of long-term success fivefold" of complete weaning.

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"We can prepare for it, or we can get started.", adds Justine Avenel. Smokers who wish to do so are invited to register on Website of the event. Applications, videos, information sites: numerous resources are made available to registrants so that "everyone can find what suits them".

The site offers ten days of preparation before the total shutdown. "We suggest getting rid of all cigarettes, lighters, new or opened packets, lists the project manager. They are also shown how to be aware of each cigarette consumed: why do we consume it? Did we really want to, or is it out of habit? But there is no magic recipe, everyone finds what works for them".

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39 89

The major advantage of the system is monitoring by tobacco specialists, health professionals specializing in the harmful effects of tobacco and the fight against smoking. By calling 39 89, you will be redirected free of charge to make an appointment with a tobacco specialist who will review your smoking cessation strategy.Justine Avenel

With or without registration, everyone can participate in No Tobacco Month, "The most important thing for us is to generate attempts to quit. We generally have twice as many attempts to quit in connection with No Tobacco Month per year as there are people registered on the platform.", she rejoices.

The scheme does not include electronic cigarettes (disposable and non-disposable) for the moment, but users are also invited to reduce their consumption during this month of November.


39 89: This is the free telephone line of Tabac info service. It puts you in touch with smoking cessation professionals. Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tobacco Free Month Site : It brings together all the documentation on the subject, and contacts of health professionals.
