Nearly half of French people fear a road accident linked to alcohol on New Year's Eve, a concern that is on the rise, estimates the Road Safety Authority in its latest barometer presented on Friday.
"We have 42% French people who tell us that they are afraid on New Year's Eve of seeing a road accident linked to alcohol occur. This figure was previously around 20% and it has really increased a lot over the last three years," stressed the new general delegate of Road Safety, Sophy Sainten, during a press conference.
The Road Safety Association, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, is working for the 15th year on education and prevention messages linked to the festive New Year's Eve evening.
According to the 2023 figures published by the National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory, 29% of fatal accidents involve a drunk driver and 65% of fatal accidents with alcohol occur at night. On December 24 and 25, 2023, 11 people died.
Questioned at the end of November-beginning of December for this barometer, 21% of French people responded that they would take their car to travel on New Year's Eve.
"It's a real cause for concern for us (...) because alcohol is still on the New Year's Eve menu for 78% of French people," worries Sophy Sainten, who points out a rate that is not very variable compared to 2023.
On the other hand, the general delegate notes that "the celebration has changed a little" as "people will go out less" and stay at home more "in small groups".
But what does not change, insists the Road Safety, is the number of drinks expected to be consumed during this evening – that is "about three drinks" – and also the heavy alcohol consumption: "10% of French people declare consuming more than eight drinks".
Three-quarters (67.8%) of French people "suggest unsuitable solutions for getting home after drinking", such as driving slowly, taking small roads, taking a mint, drinking a coffee or waiting before getting behind the wheel, underlines the Road Safety.
But according to the barometer, 48% of the French, that is one in two, do not know the time needed to eliminate a glass of alcohol. It takes two hours to eliminate a glass of alcohol consumed.