'A fingernail doesn't pull out another fingernail': 5 signs to gauge if you're ready to have sex after a breakup, according to experts
November 7, 2024
When a couple separates, feelings of confusion and uncertainty about the future arise; it is time to readjust to the new situation of being single, but do you feel ready to experiment and become intimate with another person again?
How to assess your emotional and psychological disposition to know if you are ready having sex after a breakup? In reality, getting to know yourself and knowing if you are ready is a very personal experience that depends on several psychological, emotional factors and even physical.
But today we want to accompany you to discover some of the questions you may ask yourself, how manage sex without commitmentOr regain confidence in bed after betrayalreflect and evaluate your disposition. To do this, we address some of the recommendations provided by Carefully, a content space made by experts in psychology and mental health in which they clearly explain some of the most important points to follow:
5 Tips to Analyze Whether or Not You're Open to New Sexual Experiences After a Breakup
What are some things to consider before you jump into another relationship, whether sexual or potential?
Psychology experts at Carefully warn that the first thing after the end of a relationship is to go through a grieving process. "This can allow you to get in touch with your emotions, hear that it is not working, experience the pain of loss and much more »they explain through the Instagram account. And in addition, they invite us to make some reflections in the form of five points when it comes to deciding whether or not we are ready to live new intimate experiences.
1. One nail doesn't remove another nailhe only does enlarge the hole
2. One nail does not remove another nail, because we should not use people as anesthesia for the pain
3. A nail does not pull out another nail, and it won't stop us from feeling pain eitheron the contrary, it will intensify it (*) 4. A nail does not pull out another nail, because
we must stop running away, and allow yourself to cry 5. A nail does not pull out another nail, because
This must be a time to cry, to heal. and love each other again NEWS
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From this space, we recommend that you do not act as if nothing is happening.
they express. “Si lo haces, es moy probable que busques a other persona que satisfaga tus necesidades y le pongas nuevamente una curita a esa herida que todavía está abierta”And they add
. Ultimately, everyone freely and personally chooses what they want to experience and experience in their intimate life, and according to experts, it is always good to remember that no one goes through the same process. “date the time you need to proceed all vividly, to connect with other people "this will always be a personal choice", they say in conclusion. “We always need more or less time, no more than a number of days, months or years that are “correct” or “incorrect” A breakup is a good time and a
opportunity for reflection, self-discovery and of personal growth.
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