John Snow Memorial: Dr. John Snow, who during the 1854 cholera epidemic proved it was a waterborne disease and saved many lives by removing an old pump handle.
Copyright Stephen Hanney
Scientists estimate that millions of deaths have been averted or averted thanks to scientific advances made during this pandemic. The pandemic has been an era of scientific progress. article in Health research policies and systems We asked questions like why death rates vary so widely across the country and how rapid progress can be made.
The rapid development of the first effective therapy.
The trials were designed to discover new applications for (i.e. repurposed) drugs that have already been shown to be safe in the treatment of other diseases. The Randomized Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) trial, conducted in the United Kingdom, tested various drugs simultaneously. Dexamethasone is a commonly used corticosteroid. In 100 daysRECOVERY, which is much faster than normal, has identified dexamethasone as the first treatment proven to increase COVID-19 survival anywhere.
The UK Department of Health's National Institute for Health Research is embedded in every NHS hospital. This ensures that research is well coordinated. He accelerated progress in COVID research by adhering to a small set of urgent priorities. It also means that the country's more than 170 hospitals have been able to train their health workers in research. after reorganization if necessaryThey could also participate in the RECOVERY trial. The ethics approval process was accelerated, as well as data sharing and access.
The results of the study were also published in record time once effectiveness in reducing the number of deaths was proven. Corticosteroids are widely used and available at relatively low cost.
The rapid development of the first vaccines
We looked at how COVID-19 grew faster in Germany, the UK and the US than in any other country. The health system characteristics mentioned above have played an important role in this rapid progress. However, other more significant characteristics also contributed to this acceleration.
By the end of 2019, long-term studies in each country had made significant progress in creating new vaccine development platforms. Sarah Gilbert, colleagues The Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford has developed a new platform. Later, they partnered with AstraZeneca.
Long-term studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Katalin Karaiko and Drew Weissman, who worked at the University of Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania, were instrumental in research at American universities. Moderna, a newly created company, continues development. Ugur Sahin, a German professor of medicine, and Ozlem Tureci carried out research on mRNA at the University of Mainz. They then founded BioNTech, in partnership with Pfizer.
The three platforms were able to be deployed as soon as the SARS-CoV-2 genome was published in early January 2020.
The vaccine was the focus of many parts of the health systems, including testing capacity and regulatory authorities. The United States has experienced unprecedented financial and resource concentration, particularly regarding vaccine research. Operation Warp SpeedThe teams progressed quickly. Often, key phases were undertaken in parallel and in complete safety.
In previous years, countries have developed high-quality testing capacity including Brazil In addition, vaccines developed in China and by Oxford/AstraZeneca have been tested in China.
Evidence-based policy led to fewer deaths, not more.
Unfortunately, these achievements were not enough to save all seriously ill people. Many died before vaccination (and even fewer after). Indigenous and minority groups often have a higher mortality rate, while there are inequalities around the world in access to vaccines and medicines.
The following is a list of WorldometerBy 2021, only 10 New Zealanders per 1 million people will have died from COVID. In Australia, this figure is 86. On the other hand, despite scientific progress, in Brazil there were 2882 deaths per million, compared to 2172 in the United Kingdom. Canada and Germany fall in the middle, with lower death rates than the UK.
The Emergency Response Priority Research Stream, a collaboration between highly qualified and experienced researchers and policy makers, has provided health decision makers with the most accurate local data on which they can base operational decisions.
Location, for example, has played a major role in explaining the success of the fight against the virus. Many lives have been saved thanks to non-pharmaceutical measures such as confinement or the obligation to wear a mask. However, these measures have been implemented at varying speeds depending on the country.
Policymakers are required to act at critical moments. BrazilTHE United KingdomTHE. UNITED STATES The scientific evidence regarding how best to fight the virus has not received enough attention from the president (and especially under his leadership).
The success of the health research system in Australia, Canada and New Zealand was due to a culture in which decision-makers worked with researchers and used evidence to create and communicate policy.
Australia has seen a wide range of efforts to strengthen existing links between policy makers and researchers, particularly in New South Wales.In an assessment it was stated: "The agile response of highly qualified and experienced researchers, in partnership with policy makers, through the Emergency Response Priority Research Stream, ensured that the Health decision-makers have the best local evidence on which to base operational decisions.
We are two At the start of the pandemicJustin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, said that despite the challenges of producing and using scientific evidence, Canada values it.
Scientists and science communicators were at the forefront… of the government's fight to eradicate COVID-19 in New Zealand.
New Zealand's health research system emphasizes the translation of research findings into practice and policy. Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, has been praised internationally for her use of evidence to inform policy and communication. 2020 Report: “ “Science, scientists and science communication have been the pioneers of the government's fight against COVID-19.
Globally, despite all the successes of research systems, the pandemic has created many challenges, particularly for early career, minority and female researchers.