
Sexual health: preventing infections, for better and more pleasure

January 25, 2025

By William Rowe-Pirra THE Reading 3 min. Subscribers

Persistent gaps in prevention are to blame for the increase in STI cases among young people. However, there is no shortage of preventive approaches and ways to protect yourself!


Open and honest communication with your partner is important.


This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir n°220 dated January/March 2025.

In March 2024, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) issued a warning that sexually transmitted infections (STIs), particularly among young people, are on the rise. Gonorrhoea cases jumped by 48% – 22% of new cases in 20-24 year-olds –, syphilis cases increased by 34% and chlamydia cases increased by 16% in 2022 compared to the previous year. As for HIV, data from 2022 showed 110,486 new cases diagnosed in Europe, of which 5.7% were in 15-24 year-olds, an upward trend compared to 2019.

The Essentials of Sciences and the Future AIDS Hepatitis Sexually transmitted infection (STI)
