D-2 CSAT questionnaires begin publication

D-2 CSAT questionnaires begin publication

November 12, 2024

Distribution of CSAT D-2 question papers begins

Entered: 2024-11-12 00:40:54 Modified: 2024-11-12 00:40:53

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"articleBody" "/newsView/box/newsContent.vm" On the 11th, three days before the date of the 2025 University Scholastic Ability Test, CSAT question papers and answer sheets are moved to a printing plant in Sejong City. The Ministry of Education will distribute question papers and answer sheets to 85 test districts across the country from that day to the 13th. The question papers and answer sheets are transported to the test area under the guard of a police vehicle, stored in a separate location, and then transported to 1,282 test centers on the morning of the 14th, the day of the test. »Y »Newsis> »articleBody » class= »none » rel= »http://img.segye.com/content/image/2024/11/12/20241112500190.jpg » target= »06918a75-a8dd-4b34-b7c3-e1f55c41b323″>Read more
