This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir n°220 dated January/March 2025.
La Chartre-sur-le-Loir, a village in Sarthe located between Tours and Le Mans. Two general practitioners for 1,370 inhabitants. Two practitioners who, like the vast majority of their colleagues in the surrounding area, refuse any new patient, regardless of the emergency. According to a survey conducted by UFC-Que choisir in 2022, 9 out of 10 doctors were in this situation in Sarthe, even though some 66,000 Sarthe residents are currently without a primary care physician. A situation such that the departmental council had to launch the "Médibus" service last September: a traveling bus that welcomes these neglected patients, with two nurses on board and a doctor "present" for the moment... behind a screen.