
The growing trend of functional foods and beverages is a goldmine for the industry

October 28, 2024

You can also contact us by clicking here. HFSS ComplianceAnother major driver behind brand reformulation is growing consumer demand for functional foods and beverages.

Statista estimates that the global functional food and beverage market is worth over $281 billion and will reach over $500 billion by 2028. Many believe that the Global pandemic by 2020As consumers began to shift toward health-promoting products, the category's dominance accelerated.

A Mintel spokesperson says that “the pandemic has increased awareness of health and nutrition as consumers look to eat healthier.”

Where consumers lead, industry will follow.

Food and Drink Federation spokesperson: “Food and drink manufacturers recognise the importance of providing healthier choices to consumers. Whether that’s by adapting recipes for their favourite brands, launching products with less sugar, salt or calories or adding more fibre, fruit and vegetables,”

To increase sales and meet consumer needs, industry innovators are creating new products. According to Grand View Research, dairy products are the leaders in the functional food and beverage category, followed by cereals and baked goods. Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics are the two most popular functional ingredients for the food and beverage category.

Launching these new products in the market helps them increase their sales and gain a larger share in the functional food market.

Grand View Research spokesperson said that majority of the companies in the functional food market are introducing products in order to meet and attract consumer demands. Launching these new products in the market helps players improve their sales and gain a larger share in the functional food market. In March 2021, The Coca-Cola Company launched two variants of its Vitaminwater brand.

Functional beverages have become increasingly popular among consumers.

Mintel says the functional drinks market is growing and diversifying.

The demographics of different drinks vary, and age and gender play a role.

Men seem to prefer products with added omega-3 fatty acids, nootropics, and protein. Mintel reports that women consume more products with collagen, vitamins, and probiotics than men.

The choice of a functional beverage also varies by age group, as those over 65 are less likely to choose them than younger adults. Those who choose to consume functional beverages tend to select products that contain added vitamins and minerals. Younger people tend to prefer beverages that contain fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Collagen is a product marketed to people aged 20 to 40.

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Sales of cereal bars are steadily increasing. Image credit: GettyImages

Health professionals and dietitians support food reformulation for functional reasons.

Stacey Lockyer is a senior nutritionist at the British Nutrition Foundation in London. The basis of this approach is the relationship between nutrition and health, for which there is ample scientific evidence.

She thinks the industry could do more and says: "It would be wonderful to see more."

Reformulation to add functional ingredients can be a complicated and expensive process.

Sara de Pelsmaeker is director of health and wellbeing at Puratos. She says: “If you work in food, you understand how difficult it can be to reformulate.” It becomes more expensive. “You have problems with taste and texture.”

What is a functional food and beverage?

Currently, there is no universally accepted definition. Functional foods are generally accepted as those that contain functional nutrients in addition to their basic nutritional value, and offer multiple health benefits. They include vitamins, amino acids and minerals as well as proteins, fatty acids, prebiotics and probiotics.

Getty Images - We Are
Fortified foods and beverages are growing in popularity, offering benefits like improved gut health. Image credit: GettyImages

What will the future look like for functional foods and beverages?

Manufacturers are paying a lot of attention to the development of functional foods and beverages. The industry is moving towards healthier products.

Lauren Woodley is the group nutrition manager at Nomad Foods. She says that by focusing on healthier products, you are able to have a strategy that will grow the healthy food market.

The industry is also working to improve communication with customers.

Woodley says advertising and promotion are key factors in making healthier choices the norm. Woodley says you can create healthier products, and even manufacture some of them, but without advertising and promotion, people won't choose to buy them.

In this context, efforts are being made to make healthier food more convenient.

Woodley says there is a perception that convenience foods are bad. Health has to be easy to do, or people won't do it. "It has to be as easy and convenient as possible."
