
Heart tells brain to go to sleep to recover from heart attack

November 29, 2024

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Heart attacks trigger a signaling pathway that results in an increase in the amount of deep sleep. This rest is thought to allow the heart to recover, improving the chances of survival.

Deep sleep helps the heart recover from a heart attack.

Deep sleep helps the heart recover from a heart attack.

GORODENKOFF / SCIENCE / GPR / Science Photo Library through AFP

THE sleep is essential, especially after a heart attack! It is during sleep that the body repairs itself, especially during the deep sleep. Getting enough sleep is therefore vital, because the Lack of sleep increases the risk to develop several serious diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. The heart needs the body to rest, which is why it may cause fainting after a significant drop in blood pressure. And this need for rest is all the more important after a Heart attack, when the life of the individual depends on the proper recovery of the heart muscle. Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York have just shown that after a heart attack, the heart sends a signal to the brain to tell it to sleep. If it does not listen, the probability of death increases considerably. Their results were published on October 30, 2024 in the journal Nature.

Sleep is vital after a heart attack

Heart Heart attack Deep sleep
