These simple rules help you fight myopia

These simple rules help fight myopia

December 22, 2024

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Half, or almost, of young French people are affected by myopia. However, a few simple rules of life can help to avoid it or at least slow it down.

Myopia in children

Myopia can develop as early as age 3, with two peaks between ages 6 and 12, then between ages 18 and 25.


This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir ndeg220 dated January/March 2025.

Myopia is increasing rapidly in developed countries. "40 to 50 % of 18-25 year olds are affected by it in France, which is much more than their elders (25 %), warns Arnaud Sauer, ophthalmologist at the Strasbourg University HospitalIt sets in during childhood and stabilizes in adulthood, and is not reversible.

Myopia Glasses Screens
