
Three Startups That Are Redefining the Protein Industry

October 4, 2024

Protein is the key to improving foods and beverages. Protein can affect the taste, texture, color, and cooking of food products. It also defines their nutritional value.

FoodNavigator met three startups at Future Food-Tech, a food technology conference in London. The companies are designing proteins for various functionalities and applications.

Biomatter: Combining physics with AI to create enzymes

Biomatter, a Lithuanian tech startup that combines generative AI and mathematical models to develop enzymes for use inside and outside the food industry.

Matthew Thompson, vice president of programs at Biomatter, says generative AI isn’t accurate enough to design enzymes. The problem with many of today’s generative AI models is that they don’t yet have enough accuracy to create functional enzymes directly from their models.

Using physics allows us to improve the accuracy and precision of these models. We can also refine them, and even create enzymes that work.

Thompson uses the term "physics" to mean a physically consistent mathematical model of a protein. They become more computationally demanding as they become more precise. The company reduces the computation required by combining it with generative AI.

The company uses a model that predicts protein behavior and provides data and scores to help design sequences.

Biomatter produces proteins for various industries. It also supplies raw materials and enzymes for diagnostic kits. Biomatter, a food company, has developed an enzyme that allows a customer to access an HMO, which is only available through precision fermentation. This HMO is found exclusively in breast milk.

The company is also able to design enzymes without much experimental information. Thompson explained that in the past, developing an enzyme required studying a variety of sequences. That could take two years. Biomatter’s generative AI allows it to create enzymes with little or no experimental data.

AI for protein design

Biomatter's AI-based protein design isn't the only one Biomatter uses. Start-up CradleEngineers proteins, especially enzymes, to perform a variety of functions, from creating clear juices to removing the taste of meat made from plant products. AI Bobby is the opposite.The AI-based project aims to improve the function of proteins in plant-based meat.

MicroHarvest: Designing Proteins Using Biomass Fermentation

MicroHarvest, a German biotech startup, uses biomass fermentation for the production of proteins in food and animal feed.

MicroHarvest focuses on the speed of its protein production. MicroHarvest claims to have the fastest protein production technology in the world.

We can be more competitive if we use the rapid growth of bacteria. Katelijne Betkers, MicroHarvest’s CEO and co-founder, told FoodNavigator that this also means you can scale very quickly. Bekers said the company is able to produce a ton of its ingredient per day.

In order to become more sustainable, many companies are using new ingredients. Bekers says that even though the number of these ingredients continues to grow, sustainability remains a major issue. MicroHarvest’s highly efficient production method aims to achieve this scalability.

Bekers said MicroHarvest is primarily focused on nutrition in terms of function. Bekers told us that MicroHarvest is moving toward food and sees the emulsifying qualities of products like sauces and cheeses.

The company continues to explore the product's potential and its many functions.

Precision fermentation allows Vivici to develop whey proteins.

Vivici, a Dutch company, uses precision fermentation on a business-to-business basis to create dairy proteins with a focus on whey proteins.

Vivici has beta-lactoglobulin on the market – one of the main sources of whey protein – and is currently working on lactoferrin.

Vivici’s Stephen van Sint Fiet told FoodNavigator that dairy proteins are “highly nutritious” and “highly functional.” Their versatility is a particular advantage.

When you create whey protein, you can add it to dairy alternatives, as well as protein shakes, bars, and even baked goods.

Sweet proteins

The protein industry develops proteins for many different uses. Sweet proteins,Amai Proteins is an Israeli startup that produces sweet proteins to replace sugar. Amai Proteins develops sweet proteins using precision fermentation.

Whey protein is used for many key functions including modulating, foaming and emulsifying.

Fiet explained that Vivici's protein can be used not only in dairy products such as milk and yogurt, but also in egg substitutes in baking and sports nutrition.

Whey protein is purified but not 100% pure %. Natural whey protein is usually found in blends. Whey proteins are usually found in milk. When purified by large dairy companies, they become whey concentrates and whey isolates. “But they are still not 100% pure % proteins.”

Vivici produces 100% pure % protein through precision fermentation, he said. It is nutritionally and functionally different from these other products.
