Treating Strokes With Cellular Therapy? A Clinical Trial Starts In France

Treating Strokes with Cellular Therapy? A Clinical Trial Starts in France

September 16, 2024

There Cellular therapy Will it be a solution for the future for treating strokes? In any case, this is the approach that has just been tested at the Grenoble University Hospital with the RESSTORE trial (Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke in Europe) supported by the University of Genoa Alpes.

A stroke every 4 minutes in France

The goal of this regenerative medicine is to activate the brain's repair mechanisms following a stroke to ultimately alleviate the burden of this pathology, which occurs every 4 minutes in France (150,000 strokes per year in France), represents the leading cause of acquired disability and is responsible for approximately 30,000 deaths per year. In addition, while 60% of patients recover their autonomy, 40% keep major after-effects.

Coordinated by Professor Olivier Detante (Neurovascular Unit, CHU de Genoble), the trial RESTORE has just started with its very first patients. “ To date, six patients have been included, the neurologist specifies. Within 10 days of their stroke, they all received an intravenous injection of Cellular mesenchymal tissues derived from adipose tissue obtained after liposuction HASupres of five donors ».

Mesenchymal Cells

Mesenchymal Cells. Credits – JUAN GALERTNER / Science Photo Library / JGT / Science Photo Library through AFP

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Nine centers including 80 patients

This type of cell has in fact, according to animal models, already demonstrated an excellent safety profile, low immunogenicity and well-established functional advantages on recovery after stroke.

The trial, planned at nine centres in France, plans to include a total of 80 patients, 40 of whom will be in the placebo group. The follow-up will be carried out for two years and we will evaluate the motor recovery of the patients according to different scores.ts,” the specialist explains. He continues: "The mechanisms of the injected cells are still poorly understood, but we know that they intervene by improving oxygen supply, increasing vascularization and reducing local inflammation."

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Elsewhere in Europe as in the United States, with the pioneering team from Stanford University (California) involved for several decades in this way, other approaches using other types of cells (embryonic) and other routes (intracerebral injection by stereotaxy at the site of the stroke) are also in progress.
