
What are the dangers of non-alcoholic draft beers?

August 3, 2024

Alcohol can be used as a cleaner in larger quantities. Alcohol is used in many cleaning products, such as laundry detergents and hand sanitizers, even when it is not consumed.

The alcohol in beer sold in a bar or pub has antimicrobial qualities that help protect the product from contamination.

Alcoholic beer is protected by this law, but non-alcoholic beer is not.

What hygiene issues does non-alcoholic beer face?

Non-alcoholic beers, with an ABV level of 0.1 to 0.5 ABV, do not have the protective effects of alcoholic beer, typically between 4 and 6.1 ABV.

“Challenges can be related to physical (non-microbiological) flavour instability and susceptibility to microbiological contamination if not managed well. The matrix of non-alcoholic beers is thinner and allows for less bitterness compared to strong beer. Simon Spillane told FoodNavigator that hops have a mild bacteriostatic action, which is a protection against the reproduction of bacteria. When an agent inhibits the growth of bacteria, it is called a bacteriostat

What is the best way to ensure that non-alcoholic beers are safe to consume?

Is there a stigma surrounding non-alcoholic beer?

Social stigma existsFor the consumption of non-alcoholic beers, there are different levels of discomfort according to Mintel data, in 2017 only 9 % of Germans. feel discomforted by non-alcoholic beers. It may even be higher in other markets where the non-alcoholic drink is not as well known

According to ABInbev – the world's largest brewery – providing non-alcoholic versions of popular brands can help overcome this stigma.

Safety can still be assured, though. Spillane said you have to be careful about the freshness of the beer. Freshness is important. Beer should be consumed as soon as possible after it leaves the brewery.

Second, beer must be stored in cold storage between production and consumption. Beer must be distributed aseptically and bacteriostatically using systems that are easy to clean and disinfect or through one-way distribution lines.

Non-alcoholic beer should also be consumed shortly after opening the keg.

What about non-alcoholic carbonated drinks? Spillane said they are less "delicate" and more resistant to abrasion than non-alcoholic beers.

Non-alcoholic beers are generally less pasteurized than sugary drinks. This would lead to the appearance of a "cooked flavor". [It] It is delicate, subtle and less harsh. [It] In addition, it contains less (fermentable) sugar than a sugary soft drink and has a lower acidity level. Acidity is antibacterial.

How to make non-alcoholic beers safe to drink? Getty Images/Jack Anderson

Is the European market for non-alcoholic beers growing?

According to Spillane, alcohol-free beer is becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Brewers of Europe estimates that one in 15 beers in Europe is alcohol-free. The market, which accounts for 6 billion of EU beer sales, has also doubled in the last decade.

Spillane says that as the popularity of non-alcoholic beers grew, kegs began to empty more quickly and spend less time inside after being opened.

The market has grown and some of the above points have been developed, such as how beer should be treated and consumed immediately after brewing.

Responsible marketing of alcohol-free products

Can soft drinks be a way for kids to start drinking alcohol? Responsible marketing is essentialAvoid this risk.

The Portman Group in the UK says advertising for soft drinks should only be aimed at people over 25. Advertising that shows people doing risky things, such as driving or playing sports, should also make it clear whether they are drinking alternatives to alcohol. It should also be clear if there are traces of alcohol in a particular product.

Non-alcoholic beers are gaining popularity. The UK has seen a significant increase in growth.Circana, a market research firm, says beer's market share will increase from 1.5% in January 2020 to 2.7% by December 2023.

FoodNavigator has learned that non-alcoholic beers are sold on the because they don't have a label, so consumers can drink them without realizing their alcohol content. This helps avoid stigma.

Additionally, it was found that research conducted last year revealed Fewer chart hits mention alcoholIt's now more than ever
