What could life be like for children in 2050?

What could life be like for children in 2050?

November 21, 2024

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Every year, UNICEF publishes a report on the state of children in the world. This year, the organization is looking ahead to 2050. It details several scenarios and focuses its projections on three aspects: the climate crisis, demographic movements and new technologies. What developments can we fear and why? Science and Future takes stock with Cecile Aptel, deputy director of Unicef Innocenti.

What might tomorrow's children be faced with? And above all, what should be done today to try to guarantee their rights? Two questions that UNICEF attempts to answer in its latest report entitled " State of the World's Children 2024: . The Future of Childhood in a Changing World" . " The aim is not to make predictions, but rather to use scenarios based on scientific data to identify future challenges and opportunities concerning children's rights.", underlines Cecile Aptel, deputy director of Unicef Innocenti.

Last September, the United Nations met to discuss the challenges of the future. Following this summit, UNICEF is now refocusing the debate on children. What are their particularities and vulnerabilities? What could children be confronted with in a few years? What solutions? Cecile Aptel answered our questions.

Children Climate change Social inequalities Unicef
