moving is healthy!

Moving is healthy!

January 4, 2025

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Exerkines: This is the name of proteins released by the muscles or the brain during physical exercise, and which modify thousands of biological parameters. Contributing to preventing cardiovascular diseases, depression, and even certain cancers.

This article is from the magazine Les Dossiers de Sciences et Avenir ndeg220 dated January/March 2025.

While most scientific discoveries are born in laboratories, the one that revealed the virtues of physical exercise on health was born… on a London bus. In 1953, in fact, the epidemiologist Jeremy N. Morris published in The Lancet the first study devoted to the subject: it shows that the controllers of the famous red double-decker buses, who climb 700 steps every day, suffer half as many heart attacks as the drivers, who spend 90% of their working time sitting.

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